X3 reunion how to make money fast

By: iGenek Date: 17.07.2017


X This site uses cookies to enhance the experience. For more information see our privacy policy. Easy ways to make money! I know station building is the most profitable, but I tend to stay away, I struggle to makes ends meet most the time. This is the two main ways I make money. I tend to stay away from Boron sectors, so I don't mind losing a bit of notoriety. But when I Have just an M3, I attack and capture the Boron Dolphins, you get a , a ship at the Seizewell shipyards, although varies on the amount of Hull it has left, but sometimes I repair them with the repair laser on my space suit, I kept one of the dolphins, and it collects the wares that the Boron's drop.

Make a lot of money. I use this method mainly in the early stages of the game, before I have an empire.

I actually have million credits invested to the stock market, saving it for a rainy day 3 Mission to destroy freighters. The only down side is losing notoriety, but I easily make that back with the War Effort.

How do you lot easily make money? I find sthe stock exchange is an easy way to make credits but tends to be boring. I know many people on the EgoSoft board before I left were up in arms about it being "and exploit".

I personally believe what one poster said about it "X3 is a Single Player Game, if you dont want to use or like an exploit the answer is simple. For me they seem a waste of time, take too much money to start, and take too long to make a return without running SETA for like 10 hours a day I am sure I will get fragged for that comment. Well, I play TC but am told that it and AP have lots of similar game points.

When I first began the game I'm playing back in July , I hurried up and got a nice TP and fitted it with a jump. I started doing a LOT of passenger missions. I have found several where I got paid way over 3,, credits. When I get bored killing Xenon or doing assassination missions, I dust off my TP and pick up a few million credits moving people and troops around. I found some of the best cash was available in sectors near where 2 races were warring each other.

Not quick enough with my typing. I made money on the stock exchange too, although I dont think its much fun either. The main way I make money is UT's, Complexes, boarding and kill missions. I made most of my initial money running combat missions in my Nova Prototype, and selling CIGs from then Centaur when money got tight. I used this money to buy a large crystal factory. From there I played the stock market to kake an additional 7 million.

I used this to make a 1mj shield factory. I played the stock market again and made enough to make a warhead complex that actually lost money initially. I spent more on e-cells than I made on warheads.

I played one more time and built a self sustained drone complex. After that stocks became small change that aren't worth my time any more. I currently have 6 space weed complexes throughout the X universe, 5 weapons complexes, and my initial drone complex for money.

x3 reunion how to make money fast

My other plexes are missile plexes, hq building material plexes, and weapons complexes that I keep all. Way for me to make money lasting vengeance boarding zeus sending to paranid prime start again 50 mil easily 15mins work!! Initially I scavenged missiles till I could hit the stock market. Made my first million from Nostrop shares. There was bug on missions that slowed the game down so I stopped doing them till v1.

Throw on build missions and return ship missions and the bank balance starts to build.

I build factories for my own weaponry, stimulating the Terran economy and undermining the Argon authorities. As far as profits are concerned they are there, but missions and the stock exchange seem much more profitable at this point. Of course I'm rather limited in where I can build, the Argon will attack anything their patrols come across so I'm trapped in the Solar System, Twisted Skies and Unknown Sectors that don't get overrun by Xenon or Pirates.

Your text goes here.. What is so good about the Zeus, is it easy to board? It's a pirate zeus. Duke has hq in that sector.

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I go stock exchange for my first 10 mil, use the money to get a bunch of UTs going. Then while they tick away, I do missions until I have ammassed about mil. Then I buy a TL and use the remaining 70 mil to build a fully self sustained space weed complex. That turned out to be free money. I am almost making money faster than I can spend it!

I'm sure there are better ways to make cash, but this definately works. I know a lot of people hate the hassle of building complexes, but the right complex in the right place will make you rich quick. The first few game days can be a real pain. It takes money to make money. I like the stock exchange as an alternative to the early game. I think it is one of the better features that AP brought to the table. But who seriously wants to spend their nights playing 'spreadsheets in spaaaaace!

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