November election stock market trends

By: Bogomol Date: 04.06.2017

Remember all those media reports calling President Trump a liar for claiming that noncitizens voted in the November elections?

Wall Street election reaction: stocks rally but experts warn of trouble ahead – as it happened | Business | The Guardian

Trump is certainly guilty of wild exaggeration with his claim that he would have won the popular vote if millions of noncitizens hadn't illegally cast ballots. But the press reaction to Trump's statements was even more off base. Time magazine, for example, declared: It and other news outlets pointed to a paper by Harvard researchers that claimed "the likely percent of noncitizen voters in recent U. Politico ran a piece by one of those Harvard professors, who stated emphatically that "There is no evidence that noncitizens have voted in recent U.

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Turns out, there is evidence, if you look for it. The latest comes from an investigation by Ohio Secretary of State Jon Hustedwho found noncitizens were registered to vote in the state and of them had voted in prior elections, including 82 who cast ballots in These aren't huge numbers, but they are more than zero.

A analysis of Virginia voter registrations in eight counties by the Public Interest Legal Foundation found 1, noncitizens who were registered to vote, nearly of whom had voted in prior elections.

Heritage Foundation elections expert Hans von Spakovsky notes that when he was on the Fairfax County Electoral Board in Virginia, "we discovered close to noncitizens who had illegally registered in our county, about half of whom had also illegally voted in prior elections. And the study that those Harvard professors tried to november election stock market trends suggested that 6.

Turns Out, Noncitizens Did Vote In November, Only Question Is How Many? | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

When clear evidence of illegal voting does emerge, Democrats say it doesn't matter because the numbers involved forex trading journal excel spreadsheet "negligible" — or, at least, not widespread enough to affect the outcome of an election. How would they know?

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For the most part, registration offices rely on the honor system — all you have to do is check a box saying you are a citizen and eligible to vote.

And for eight years, when a state did try to verify the citizenship status of their voter rolls, the Obama administration "did everything it could to avoid complying with those requests," von Spakovsky notes.

It also joined with liberal interest groups to oppose efforts by several states to implement laws requiring proof of citizenship to register.

In any case, two recent elections — both of which had a dramatic impact on the nation — were decided by a "negligible" number of votes. Bush, to the Democrats dismay, then went on to start earn cazmo cash Iraq War and — at least in their telling — drive the economy into the ditch.

Franken's election gave Democrats a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, which it then used to pass the disaster known as ObamaCare. In other words, "negligible" voter fraud could have easily changed the outcomes of these consequential elections.

Numbers aside, those who dismiss voter fraud as unimportant should ask themselves this question: Are you willing to let your vote be stolen by someone who isn't a November election stock market trends. Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California. After Amazon's buyout of Whole Foods Market, will Grubhub be the next item on the e-commerce giant's menu?

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november election stock market trends

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november election stock market trends

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