Options trading itrade

By: FutureArt Date: 07.07.2017

Safekeeping Charges for Certificates Issued by Scotiabank: Debit balances in non-registered cash accounts will be charged at the same rate as margin accounts.

Scotia iTRADE's interest rates are subject to change at Scotia iTRADE's discretion without prior notice. Margin interest rates were last updated February 22, Eligible accounts and products include the following: Commission-generating trades are buys and sells of: Equities, Options and Fixed Income Instruments subject to commissions.

Buys and Sells of GIC's, ETFs and mutual funds that do not generate a commission, Canada Savings Bonds and Provincial Savings Bonds are examples of trades that are not commission-generating.

New qualification status will be effective on the same business day the requirement for a specific number of trades or asset value has been satisfied. You will also qualify in the calendar quarter subsequent to the quarter when new qualification status became effective the "Subsequent Quarter". If the requirements for a specific number of trades or asset value are satisfied in the Subsequent Quarter, you will retain your qualification status in the quarter following the Subsequent Quarter.

Otherwise, you will need to re-qualify after the end of the Subsequent Quarter. Pricing applies to secondary market trades conducted online through Scotia iTRADE only. Foreign exchange fees will be applied to trades involving securities that are denominated in a currency other than the currency of the account in which the trade is placed.

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All bonds are subject to risk, including interest rate risk, credit risk and inflation risk. Investors are responsible for their own investment decisions and should carefully evaluate the risks associated with fixed income investments prior to investing. Full commission charges apply for each partial fill except when transacted on the same business day.

If you place multiple orders for the same stock on the same day, same side of the market and same exchange, these trades will not be abridged and you will be charged a separate commission fee for each trade executed. A single trade confirmation will be issued to you to reflect these trades, and the commission fees charged with respect to each of these executed trades will be aggregated and displayed on the trade confirmation as one aggregate commission fee.

Full commission charges apply for each order. Full commission charges apply to each side of spread and combination orders. You may have noticed a small transaction fee that appears on your confirmation slip as an "SEC Fee".

This fee is always separate from any commissions or other fees you are charged. This SEC Fee is only applied to U.

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Early redemption fees may also be charged by some mutual fund companies. Please refer to the prospectus of each fund for details.

Does not take into account fees, charges, expenses or commissions imposed by the fund companies, all of which can be associated with mutual fund investments. You should carefully consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, fees, charges, expenses and commissions before investing.

The prospectus contains this and other important information about the fund.

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Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. Funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Mutual fund charges imposed by the fund companies are in addition to the above fees. Minimum gold and platinum purchase is 10 oz. Minimum silver purchase is oz.

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Commission charges for trades of Gold, Silver, and Platinum Certificates are charged in U. Please visit com , "Help Centre — Converting Funds between Currencies ", for more information. Annual interest rate in effect August 22, Interest rate is subject to change at any time at Scotia iTRADE's discretion without prior notice.

Fees or charges excluding interest or commissions charged relating to services provided by Scotia iTRADE will not be imposed or changed without 60 days prior written notice. The above fees are effective as of April 18, The above fees do not include applicable taxes.

GST, HST and provincial taxes will charged where applicable. SCI is a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

Scotia iTRADE does not provide investment advice or recommendations and investors are responsible for their own investment decisions. Your use of the Scotia iTRADE site signifies your agreement to the Terms of Use in "The Fine Print" and our Privacy Policy. Please visit the Scotia iTRADE site for information on the Real-Time Data Agreements and our Complaint Handling Procedures.

Select a main site category. Sign in Open an account. Commissions and fees Enjoy great savings when you trade. Gold, Silver and Platinum Certificates 5. Please call our Customer Service team for current rates at. CN fee still applies to extended hours trades that are executed in regular trading sessions.

Contact Us service scotiaitrade.

options trading itrade

System response and account access times may vary due to a variety of factors, including trading volumes, market conditions, system performance, and other factors. Fixed Income Online Secondary Market 4. Cash Optimizer Investment Account In effect August 22, Premium Rate for iClub Platinum.

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