Birth certificate stock market fidelity

By: G-log Date: 08.06.2017

Well, it has come to my attention, that the United States Corporation actually OWNS everyone due to the birth certificates that were issued when they are born. In fact, there is a law that is still on the books that states that unless one comes forward and declares themselves to be alive, in the courts, that they are considered dead.

Your Birth Certificate is a security traded on the Stock Exchange , how much are you worth ?, page 1

This is why your name is written in all capital letters on the birth certificate and Social Security card, and driver license, etc.

The issuance of the birth certificate gives the government control over your assets, including your person. The certificate is recorded at a County Recorder, then sent to a Secretary of State which sends it to the Bureau of Census of the Commerce Department. This person becomes a fictional persona in commerce. The US has the ability to tax and regulate commerce. The government issued Birth Certificate is now a Registered Security which initially has an estimated value of One Million dollars.

They are circulated around the world as collateral for loans and entered on the asset side of ledgers just like any other security. That is why they are initially filed with the Commerce Department. The central banks now have a negotiable instrument against which credit is advanced by the international funding community, namely The World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Bank for International Settlements, Bank of England, Federal Bank of America etc.

US citizens are bonded debt slaves and just as soon as they are done using american youth for the united nations wars we will be deleted. Nothing personal just business. They say your vessel arrived via the berth canal and arrived on the land. The first things that were done were to weigh you and measure your length, then they placed your footprints on the record of live berth.

Your landed estate, your body, is your estate, or your land. Your true state you live in is your body. You have never left. Your spirit will remain in your body for your entire life.

The state has a vested interest in your estate, and until you become knowledgeable enough to manage your affairs, the state holds title to your landed estate your body. A trust was created between the state and your parents for your benefit. They granted to you your rights to life, without harm, to a child. Now that you have grown into an adult, as a grantee of the trust, it is up to you to accept that granted birth as the only one that can accept true responsibility for your vessel, the grantee.

Registering a birth also means you unwittingly become an employee of the state, to a society which they have self-servingly defined.

birth certificate stock market fidelity

Which differs from common and natural law. Acceptance for Value is a Commercial Remedy, which is a commercial right that is acquired through a commercial instrument. For example, any tickets, tax and utility bills,etc. The basic concept for Acceptance for Value is exactly what it says. It is acceptance, so that you stay in honour. Actually accept it as a payment.

The process is relatively easy, but actually getting corporations to accept is another matter all together. You might experience dishonour and therefore have to go into remedy as a last resort. So when a utility bill arrives, this is not a bill according to the Bills of Exchange Act, it is in fact a liability proposal stating you owe x amount of money. The Acceptance for Value process is just discharging the liability back into the public domain to be paid later on.

So when you use Acceptance for Value, your actually expanding funds under public policy without the debt attached to it. Your birth certificate bond is the key to achieving this. Your BC bond if you like starts you on your way to your personal sovereignty it is the first step, the meat and potatoes of all that you do afterwards.

You want a simple explanation on how important it is? Ok, if you enter a courtroom un-bonded you stand little or no chance, the minute you step into the courts territory you black scholes option pricing model excel free in contempt, I am not saying you cannot win, but I am saying you enter as a debtor!

If you enter a court un-bonded, you are already in contempt of court! Because you have entered a place of business, a place of commerce operar forex sin indicadores you are not insured to operate!!

So you are operating in a position that it is very difficult to rise from. To perfect the bond process you need to follow the steps on money makers secret world banknote printing Standing in Commerce forum, but in the interest of giving you a clue here and now, you need:. Insurance against their wrong doing! But wait there is more!!

You see, by having a private bond of unlimited value you trump their bonds, as theirs will be corporate bonds and of little value compared to yours!

Now when you have a bond in place you can issue other bonds off of it you need to do a seminar for this or you might get yourself in trouble so you may indemnify the court you are about to go into, this is a double edged sword, it gives them insurance against you doing something wrong, BUT it gives you a means to ensure proper due process, how? If you write a bond to indemnify yourself you also indemnify yourself from them judges, court etc. The judges bond wealth fx forex trading few hundred thousand?

And the rest… well chump change!! As I stated in the part one article you can use two steps to ensure performance on their part to honour your presentment, however here in the UK this is a new process, so they may still silly birth certificate stock market fidelity dishonour you!

So you use your bond to liquidate the asset they have presented to you and are now in dishonour with by keep returning it the bill when you do this liquidate your tiger the IRS more on this at the seminar will take that money straight out of their account, they will go crazy!! Nothing is going to make them look twice at what they have done like cash disappearing birth certificate stock market fidelity their accounts!

I left this in here so binary options in a number of traders choice indicator if anyone may want the information, they could have it…I do realize that this was written in This is just a skim over the surface, its more indepth from binary options trading strategy on bollinger bands on in, Dont be thinking that the bond is just orderable part of the process ones all parts are in place is to create your bond and then lodge it with a treasury, from then on your sovereignty and power grows!

Your all dead, the lot of you. Anyway… inGovernment passed an Act called The Cestui que vie Act which declared everyone legally missing or dead. Oh and by the way, although it was written over years ago, the Cestui que vie Virtual online stock trading india is still in full force today!

Take a look at the OPSI statute database below. Cestui Que Vie Act OK, did you ever consider walking into a government office and declaring yourself un-dead? You can give yourself the wealth of a hole nation by writing!! They brought in a very controversial piece of legislation at a time when it would go unnoticed.

They gave themselves legal title to everything in the UK, including people. The fact is however, in sentiment at least, the legislation is possibly well intentioned. The government are saying that they will look after your property until a rightful claimant comes forward, weather it is you back from the dead or someone with inheritance rights.

Your Birth Certificate Is Not a Bond. Really. | Skeptoid

Not really, someone has to do it. So from the moment our births were registered, all of the property we own Inc. Well I agree, IT IS! The only thing we have a legal right to is possessory title.

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Try to find out who has legal title to your house. If the supposed dead Man prove to be alive, then the Title is revested. Action for mean Profits with Interest.

When blessed living souls are incarnated as Men and Women on Planet Earth, they are almost always registered with the government of their country of our birth. An annuity is a yearly sum of money granted by one party to another in fee for life or years, charging the person of the grantor only. The statutory provisions clearly demonstrate that the proceeds of the abandoned annuities are then pooled in the Consolidated Funds and National Loans Accounts by the National Debt Commissioners.

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There are certainly a myriad of ways in which we are tricked into granting our tacit legal consent to commercial agreements by corporate entities of all descriptions. No agreement of any kind, anywhere on this planet, is legally enforceable unless there has been a meeting of the minds, with full disclosure given to all concerned and affected parties at the time of execution, due consideration, performance and the provable, voluntary consent of the parties to the terms and conditions contained therein.

The fact that our parents were never furnished with the knowledge that the birth document is a certificate for an annuity, may well represent a clear case of fraud by non-disclosure, which would automatically vitiate any and all existing and related agreements with the government and its agencies, ab initio.

And the birth certificates are traded on the stock market. If you want to see the fact that your birth certificate is traded on the stock market, go to this site:.

You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Birth Certificates and the Stock Market Well, it has come to my attention, that the United States Corporation actually OWNS everyone due to the birth certificates that were issued when they are born. Via Jeff Anderson on facebook: To perfect the bond process you need to follow the steps on our Standing in Commerce forum, but in the interest of giving you a clue here and now, you need: You are most definitely — Dead!

I can prove it… try this on for size…. If you are alive then……… stick your finger in your ear-NOW! Sorry, even dead people gotta have some fun once in a while!

Cestui Que Vie Act http: So they did the following things with this Act. Your proof of birth birth certificate became you. A more complex explanation replete with legalities more within link. From Bouviers Law Dictionary: If you want to see the fact that your birth certificate is traded on the stock market, go to this site: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.

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