Excel provides loads of functions and formulas which brings down the level of complexity of daily-life problems. Counting business days working days manually would be a tiresome job to get through but Excel offers an excellent function which will let you to find out the specified working days promptly.

What it does is to automatically exclude the specified holidays, weekends, etc and yields the exact result in Date format.

To start off with, launch Excel spreadsheet and start creating table having fields; Working days and Holidays, we have also created two labels namely; Today and After Working Days. Now we need to find out the working days exclusively, after adding number of days and by excluding holidays and weekends.

excel 2010 calculate days between two dates excluding weekends

We will be finding it out with the help of a WORKDAY. The syntax of the function is.

The second one is days, referring to number of days for which you would like to count. While filling in the third argument Excel will automatically provide excel 2010 calculate days between two dates excluding weekends with a list of options. Showing different weekends options and if you want to include some extra holidays you can do so by filling in last argument which is holidays.

As you can see from screenshot above, that we have already included holidays and working days. B4 is range of holidays. To get it over trading penny stocks 101, navigate to Home tab tools binary options from Number group, choose the desired Date format.

excel 2010 calculate days between two dates excluding weekends

Upon click it will yield the result in date format. Actually the function calculates future working date, by considering gap of days which is 10, and by excluding weekends and holidays. To make it more simpler this function would calculate the exact date for specified business days.

Now just drag the plus sign at the end of column to apply it over. Verify the last evaluated date to verify the whole list. Click here to fix Windows errors and improve system performance.

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Count the Days between Two Dates in Excel

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excel 2010 calculate days between two dates excluding weekends

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