X3 reunion stock market

By: Gogi Rotsky Date: 03.07.2017

Local Stock Exchanges are limited to the sectors encompassed by the Stock Exchange while Corporate Indexes are universal based on if the headquarters has been found and the location of trade ships owned by the corporation.

Company Indexes are completely random.

x3 reunion stock market

Stocks based on hidden quest related wares players will be familiar with them from the main plot and random missions of X3: Supply is based on number of ships or 0.

Due to the completely random nature of their creation, shares of these wares are often volatile.

Stock Market Mechanics - X3 Wiki (English) - Egosoft Confluence

Stocks based on wares produced by factories and spawned on Rapid Response ships. NPC stations consume wares even trading stations slowly deplete stocks and ships transporting them get killed draining wares from the economy while factories produce them and rapid response ships spawn with them. This means that the availability of wares can be predicted based on the number and distance of suppliers compared to consuming stations.

It also means enemy activity can cause sudden spikes in certain wares by triggering fleets of Rapid Response ships full of that ware to jump in. As the player can purchase and remove wares from the presence of the Stock Exchange region it is possible manipulate the stock market for several wares. There is then some strange totalling system using an array to get the average???

The loss of ships combined with the depletion of wares from stations reduces the value of shares. Due to the nature of the calculations used, trade ships spawned in good times will always give a bad index during heavy losses while those spawned when the corporation has nothing will always give a high index meaning a first in first out policy is best for stock manipulation.

Let's Learn!: X3:Albion Prelude: How to use the Stock Exchange and Corporate&Company Index

Company indexes are purely based on an array of names with a semi-randomised array of maximum and minimum stock prices. The stock market can be profitable but unreliable so whereas luck is good, control is better.

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It is then possible to further increase monopoly of supply by purchasing all available copies of the ware in the Stock Exchange region. By overtuning the ship used for stock market manipulation with Pandora Tunings, this process can be performed several times per minute not only making the player extremely wealthy but also gaining Trade Rank at insane rates.

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Steam Community :: Guide :: X3: AP Stock Exchange Guide

Pages … X3 Wiki English Home X3: Created by Anonymous , last modified on Oct 07, Energy Bolt Chainguns in the Grand exchange region with 4 on the Military Outpost in Merchant Haven and 2 on a Rapid Response ship. Other Wares Stocks based on wares produced by factories and spawned on Rapid Response ships.

[X3AP] Is it real? Questions about the economy, the stock market, and equipping fleets. : X3TC

Company Indexes Company indexes are purely based on an array of names with a semi-randomised array of maximum and minimum stock prices.

Stock Market Manipulation The stock market can be profitable but unreliable so whereas luck is good, control is better.

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